Bits & bobs — #29

Love Hulten process | Vongon Replay | Little big details

Love Hulten behind the scenes

If you don't know Love Hulten, then you're not a synth DIYer and that's totally okay. He is an artist who takes apart synths and controllers and re-assembles them in absolutely beautiful custom retro-futuristic enclosures. He usually posts very short clips about his creations, but this time he shared a 6 min video of his process.

He seems to be using Illustrator(?) to design the parts of the enclosure and clearly a massive laser cutter is one of his main hardware. But there are also flashes of a mini table saw (Proxxon maybe) and other standard carpentry tools. What surprised me though is the amount of hot glue he uses to fix things in place. Made me think a bit of the story of Steve Jobs' dad who was obsessed with the quality of things unseen, you know.

Either way, I absolutely love Love Hulten's work, it's one of the most amazing mix of product design and art.

Vongon Replay

Replay is a simple polysynth inspired by the legendary Juno and the Polysix, definitely driven more by aesthetics than functionality. I especially love the metal casing and number of fucks given about contrast.

What a great idea

Usability little big details in action. Saved for later.